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Inocenți Bistrița Foundation is pleased to invite you to the 14th edition of the “St. Nicholas Gala for Children with Disabilities”.

The “St. Nicholas Gala for children with disabilities” is the event in which we join forces to offer special children a chance for a better life, as close to normal as possible, for recovery and joy.
In the context of the pandemic, for the first time in the history of the organization, the Gala will take place online. We have prepared for you many beautiful moments.

For more details, follow the page dedicated to the Gala

September 2022

Fundația Inocenți – Filiala București vă invită la Expoziția “Summer of Art”. Evenimentul va avea loc în data de 14 septembrie 2022, între orele 17:00-20:00, la Biblioteca Națională, sala Papirus, Bd. Unirii 22 și este organizat în parteneriat cu Federația Organizațiilor Neguvernamentale pentru Copil (FONPC).

Invitații vor avea ocazia să se bucure de capodoperele lucrate pe parcursul verii atât de către copiii și adolescenții din programele educaționale Inocenți, cât și de adolescenți din familii ucrainene. Este vorba despre peste 60 de fotografii realizate de către aceștia în cadrul proiectului Photovoice, obiecte de ceramică, picturi, precum și alte lucrări. Toate atelierele artistice au fost posibile datorită unor susținători și prieteni ai organizației, astfel: Vadim Ghirda – fotojurnalist (atelier de fotografie), Veronika Vitvitska – artist din Ucraina (atelier de acuarelă), artiști plastici de la Centrul Cultural Turc Yunus Emre (atelier de Ebru), Jim Denison – profesor la Școala Americană din Paris (atelier de olărit), Alina Tomșa-Bogdanffy, psiholog (ateliere de arte expresive), studenți de la Departamentul de Studii Asiatice din cadrul Universității Româno – Americane (atelier de caligrafie japoneză).

Expoziția “Summer of Art” își dorește să aducă împreună susținători ai fundației din medii, sectoare și țări diferite pentru a le mulțumi pentru implicarea lor în viețile beneficiarilor organizației.

September 2022

Put on your cycling gear and join us for the first Spinathon organised By American International School of Bucharest, in partnership with UPS and WorldClass!

Be part of Inocenti team @ Spin 4 Kids!

When? On Saturday, February 29th, 2020

Where? @ American International School Of Bucharest

Register now at or

  • All donations will be passed on to the Fundatia Inocenti and Hospice Casa Sperantei Charities!
Februay 2020

Fundatia Inocenti Bistrita is pleased to invite you at the 13th annual “Saint Nicholas for children with disabilities” Gala. The event will take place on 4th of December, at the elegant Metropolis Restaurant, at 6:30pm.   

As always, this edition will run under the umbrella of community friendship, charity and entertainment and the program of the evening will include music, dancing, culinary delicacies, Christmas bingo and many other surprises.

Tickets are 250 lei per person. Donations will support Early Intervention program and Me and My Family program in Bistrita.

Please RSVP by November 25, 2019: tel 0740154929, tel 0263236368 or at

* Follow the event on Facebook for more details.

Luna și anul:
December 2019

Michael Carroll, the president and one of the founders of Fundatia Inocenti – Romanian Children’s Relief, will be present at Bucharest Photofest (location: POINT) on Wednesday, October 2.

Starting at 19:00, Mike, professional photographer, will delight us with images captured over time, but also small stories behind them 💖.
From 20:00, we will watch together Hand Held, The Movie, an extraordinarily beautiful interweaving of Mike’s career as a photographer, his coming to Romania and the beginning of the Innocenti Foundation – Romanian Children’s Relief mission. You will find out more information “from home” on Wednesday – October 2.

We are waiting for you with joy!


October 2019

For some of our children, the annual Olimpiada Inocentilor is their favorite day of the year – even better than their birthday or Christmas! For one special Thursday in May, more than 400 children with special needs gather for a day of games, music, art and dance with hundreds of local Inocenti teen volunteers. This amazing festival of fun starts with a festive parade through the center of Bistrita, bringing the entire community together to celebrate children of all ages and abilities. 

All the activities within Olimpiada Inocentilor will take place on Thursday, 16th of May, at The Bistriţa-Năsăud Museum Complex.

Olimpiada Event day – Thursday, May 16, 2019, 1:00pm – 5pm:

•Sports activities (basketball, table tennis, football, games, athletics)

•Artistic activities (dances, songs, poems, paintings, drawings)

•Complementary activities (face painting, painting plaster forms, etc.)

Come join us for this extraordinary event! 

Please join us in supporting the 2019 Olimpiada Inocentilor with a gift, small or large. We need to make this happen for our children – our children are counting on us! 

May 2019

Choose the greeting cards painted by Inocenti children to convey your wishes and good thoughts to your loved ones, friends and colleagues!

A varied selection of drawings with lively and colorful landscapes awaits you! In addition to the joy you will bring to the recipients, you will become part of a story of good, helping us to build great steps towards a better life for disadvantaged children from the programs of the Innocenti Foundation.

Write to us at the e-mail address to provide you with more models.

Bistrița, București
April 2019

Fundatia Inocenti – Romanian Children’s Relief, in collaboration with the Italian Institute of Culture, is pleased to invite you to a special Bruno Medicina Piano Recital, to benefit Inocenti children and programs. The evening will include works by J. S. Bach, W. A. Mozart, F. Liszt and G. Gershwin.


The charity recital will take place on Wednesday, 27th of March 2019, at 6pm, at the Italian Cultural Institute (Aleea Alexandru 41, Bucharest). Suggested donation for participants: 40 lei (about 9 Euro). Donations will support the “Child Life” psycho-social support programs and the educational support and social integration programs run by Fundatia Inocenti. 

Please join us to offer more chances to a better life, more colorful and kind for disadvantage children. 

If you cannot attend the event, but want to be part of our special mission, choose “Vreau sa fac o donatie” – “I want to make a donation” – option on the fundraising GalantOm page, created for this special event.

Learn more about this event on Facebook.

About Bruno Medicina

Graduate of the Torino Conservatoire, Genovese Bruno Medicina completed his piano studies with Master Marco Pasquero and his organ and composition studies with Master Attilio Baronti. Although not working as a professional musician (his main field of work being training and coaching), he has always kept alive his passion for piano, performing numerous concerts in Italy and abroad. Combining his professional work as a management consultant with his music, Bruno Medicina has developed a high-performance model (F.L.O.W. system) that, although initially designed to improve business and sports performance, has proved to be particularly effective when applied to music. Bruno has also provided courses worldwide for musician performance improvement at the International Virtuosity Center, which he also founded.


For details, donations and reservations, please contact us at

March 2019

În atelierul de “mărțișorit” Inocenți, mânuțele harnice ale voluntarilor au început deja să lucreze pentru a întâmpina primăvara așa cum se cuvine. Sute de mărțișoare, unele mai frumoase și interesante ca altele, își așteaptă “proprietarii”.

Dacă sunteți interesați de mai multe modele inedite de mărțișoare, dați-ne de veste la adresa de e-mail

Fondurile colectate în urma acestei campanii de primăvară vor susține programele Inocenți de suport educațional și integrare socială dedicate copiilor defavorizați din București și Glina (jud. Ilfov), precum și programele de suport psiho-social adresate copiilor bolnavi din patru spitale din București și Cluj.

Pentru detalii/ informații suplimentare:

March 2019