For some of our children, the annual Olimpiada Inocentilor is their favorite day of the year – even better than their birthday or Christmas! For one special Thursday in May, more than 400 children with special needs gather for a day of games, music, art and dance with hundreds of local Inocenti teen volunteers. This amazing festival of fun starts with a festive parade through the center of Bistrita, bringing the entire community together to celebrate children of all ages and abilities.
All the activities within Olimpiada Inocentilor will take place on Thursday, 16th of May, at The Bistriţa-Năsăud Museum Complex.
Olimpiada Event day – Thursday, May 16, 2019, 1:00pm – 5pm:
•Sports activities (basketball, table tennis, football, games, athletics)
•Artistic activities (dances, songs, poems, paintings, drawings)
•Complementary activities (face painting, painting plaster forms, etc.)
Come join us for this extraordinary event!